Bingpet Rhinestone Collar
I really liked this "necklace" when it came. It was pretty and sparkly....and made my pooch look like a high-class girly.  However, the crystals started falling out very shortly after receiving it and it didn't look so "pretty" anymore :-(

Nevertheless, I still kept it on my doggie because even with missing crystals I still liked how it looked on her...until one day I came downstairs to a horrible howling sound and walked in on my dog with her fingernail stuck in the necklace. (She is a Chihuahua).  I had such a hard time trying to dislodge her fingernail and couldn't unhook the necklace because with her paw up to her neck it was pulling the necklace tighter and tighter. Eventually I got her nail dislodged and took the necklace off ... and never put it on her again, it went straight in the trash.

So, i give this product two stars because for the week or so she was wearing it while the crystals were still on it -- it looked very pretty. However the crystals falling out for no reason and her paw getting caught up in it (might not be the fault of the product, but that has never happened with any other collar she's had on before) leads me to believe that this item is not worthy of more than two stars. I really did want to like it.... but I cannot say that I would recommend it for any animal based on my experience with it. I think there may be a safety issue.

If you would like to take a chance on this item and purchase it, you can do so on Amazon by clicking HERE

**DISCLAIMER: In accordance with FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 guidelines regarding promotional or discounted products, I have received this item at a discounted price for the purpose of testing and a thorough review. The opinions stated are my own and are honest and unbiased. All views expressed are based on my own experience using this product. I have no relationship with the seller and was not compensated or expected to give a positive review.  I reserve the right to modify my review at any time if during the use of this product the quality or usability changes.

