IHOVEN Starry Sky Outdoor Dynamic Laser Christmas Lights - Review

Everything I expected and more! When these first came out I couldn't wait to get one (they were hard to find and price-gougers were everywhere). Additionally, they were not as advanced as this one is. Apparently these little lights have come a long way since they first came out. When comparing the IHOVEN laser light to the one I have here that I bought when they first came out ("Star Shower" brand), the differences are immediately noticeable in both quality and function.

The IHOVEN brand is solid and exponentially bigger than the original star shower brand of last year. The build is solid and comes with both the yard stake AND the indoor base as well as screws if you want to mount it (the other brand I got last year only came with the yard stake). The cord is thick gauge and has a 2 prong plug. The laser light turns itself off after 4 hours in order to extend the life of the unit (which in my opinion is the most awesome and smartest aspect of the product).

The IHOVEN brand of laser light is not just a stand-alone color or just a sparkle, it has a myriad of designs that it displays in both red and green colors in random movement. (My other laser light - the original "star shower" brand only displayed stand-alone colors with no movement). The colors move about in different designs of squares and stars, twinkling bright red and green. It's really quite beautiful and is a true laser light show!

Overall Opinion:
I absolutely adore this laser light. It is so much better than the other brand I bought when they first came out. I will use both of them, however the old one will be shining on the back of the house (facing a street) and the IHOVEN light will be spotlighted in the front yard. The IHOVEN is better quality, feels more solid, comes with the interior base and outdoor stake, and shuts itself off in four hours - which is about all you need it on for in the wintertime where I live. If I need another one, I'll be right back here to buy it. 10 stars!

**DISCLAIMER: In accordance with FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 guidelines regarding promotional or discounted products, I have received this item at no cost for the purpose of testing and a thorough review. The opinions stated are my own and are honest and unbiased. All views expressed are based on my own experience using this product. I have no relationship with the seller and was not compensated or expected to give a positive review.  I reserve the right to modify my review at any time if during the use of this product the quality or usability changes.

This item can be purchased on Amazon by clicking 

(I do not receive any type of compensation if you click on the link to purchase.  
Link provided for convenience only.)

