Sminiker Dual Wireless Xbox One Controller Charger - Review

Sminiker Charger

Good charger for current listing price, you can't beat getting two batteries and a charging station. The charging station takes up only a small area on your desk/gaming area.

 Comes with two battery packs, power charging cord, and charging station/stand
 Charges relatively quickly, about four hours when batteries are completely dead
 Batteries hold charge for about 5 hours of continuous play (with headset)
 Blue LED indicator light to show controllers are charging
 Small footprint on your desk
 Can be used with most controllers (Heads up: I've read that it cannot be used with elite controllers but I don't have one)
 Stops charging automatically when batteries are fully charged and has over-charge protection
 Lightweight and portable

 Does not include instructions (not that it's complicated, but I did not know when the controllers are done charging and there was no directions. However, there is four lines of info on the side of the box that says instructions but really does not provide instruction on how to use the item, just notes the specs/highlights of the item and for the record it was covered up by an amazon upc sticker that I couldnt get off).
 No indication of when the batteries are done charging

I am happy with the batteries and charger port. We've been using it for the past week and have not had any problems with it so far. My son uses his xbox about 12 hours (or more) a day (really he and his friends have no life outside of xbox) and he uses one controller while the other is charging and just swaps them out when he needs to. I think it's a pretty good deal for the listing price and wouldn't hesitate to repurchase if needed.

*DISCLAIMER: In accordance with FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 guidelines regarding promotional or discounted products, I have received this item at a discount for the purpose of testing and a thorough review. The opinions stated are my own and are honest and unbiased. All views expressed are based on my own experience using this product. I have no relationship with the seller and was not compensated or expected to give a positive review. I do not receive any type of compensation if you click on the link to purchase, it is only provided for convenience.  I reserve the right to modify my review at any time if during the use of this product the quality or usability changes.

This item can be purchased at by clicking HERE

